
God Comforts God’s People – Dios consuela a su pueblo

God comforts God’s people in the most unexpected and unimaginable ways. We should take a moment and reflect on a time when we saw the hands of God, when we have been faint, and could only say “we need God’s presence now” and that phrase filled us with strength and a desire to move forward.

By |August 11th, 2016|Categories: Sermon|0 Comments


  • Writers and Poets Wanted
    Posted: 7/14/2020

    If you are inclined to writing a prayer, song, poem or reflection, do not hesitate share it with us as community! Please send them to pastorjeniffer.ossining@gmail.com.

  • Membership
    Posted: 9/3/2019

    Do you want to become a member of First Presbyterian Church of Ossining? If you would like to join this church family, please see Pastor Jeniffer for information on the New Members Class. Joining FPCOssing will give you voice and vote in decisions that need to be made for the present and future of our congregation.

  • Personal Information Updates
    Posted: 6/11/2018

    If you have any updated information, such as address or phone number, please see Pastor Jeniffer. She will have an update sheet for you to fill out.

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