Section from the Sermon:
Spider Web Tangled
Based on NEHEMIAH 8:1-3; 5-6; 8-10/ 1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-31A
Rev. Jeniffer Rodriguez
Every part of the body has a variety of functions that work independently from each other but all body parts are connected to one main cord. All the body parts are necessary in the same way each one of us is important and necessary. Our differences can help us to stick together when we have based our values on love, compassion and humbleness.
At this time more than ever, we need to be reminded that we are one body. We need each other to face all obstacles and uncertainties. Some of us are going to be tired at some point. Some of us will need to catch our breath, while others keep strong and continue the race. We as the whole body cannot be dismayed. It is not allowed to give up. We have a long race to go and we need each other to spread the real message of the real gospel and not what is beneficial for some.
We might be in different spaces right now. We might be feeling hurt, displaced and angry about what is happening in this nation and the world, but we can rely on each other. That does not mean everything is going to be ok but it will help us to feel better somehow. Last bible study was a good example of sharing how we were before proceeding to the Bible study material. We all do not agree on all things, but despite our differences, we felt heard and loved despite where we are standing.
Our hearts can be weary right now. Much of the Ossining community might be fearful right now. Our families are trying to catch their breath. Our church might be wondering what to do and what to expect and what is going to happen next. Is there something we can do or continue doing? As the people of Nehemiah gathered together, we today need to gather not just to be together but to hear and educate ourselves about what the word of God is telling us during this crucial time. In Nehemiah people gathered to learn from the Torah. We have the Old and New Testament in our bibles. When we read the word of God with open hearts and critical lenses we know the main cord of Christianism is LOVE.
We need to hear from each other. We cannot go anywhere if, as one body, we would like to go in multiple directions. We know we cannot because we are all connected to the same cord. As we continue moving forward each of our parts need to be aware of our direction, where we want to go, what we want to do. We need to be synchronized so the process of work can go smoothly.
If we have paid attention, spiders are resilient in making their spider webs. If one spider web is destroyed, another one is built. Spiders know everything can be watched in those spider webs. Spiders do not give up creating those spider webs. Spiders rise up out of nowhere to make those laborious spider webs.
As we have the opportunity to see spider webs among us, let’s be reminded how strong and powerful they can be because each part is connected to each other. Not all of us are strong right now. Not all of us are ok right now. Not all of us are clear right now. The main power is not in what kind of member of the body we are, but that we are connected to the same cord, we are one. We are powerful because we are together as ONE!
The love of God is so big that it goes beyond our understanding. God might not call sophisticated people to serve. God might not call people with a lot of history or experience. The people God calls to serve are people that might be considered by many people as simple, common or unthinkable to serve.
We all are here for one reason. We might not yet know the reason for our call. We might be discerning that as we go. Despite where we are in terms of our tasks and responsibilities; despite where we are in terms of our beliefs and life experiences; despite where we are in terms of our commitment or reluctancy, God loves us no matter what.
This time is a good opportunity to open ourselves to God and ask for direction. There is so much we can learn while we wait, but also while we act. The love of God is so powerful that it is able to transform, empower and motivate even the ones we might not believe will be the ones who will become builders of the kingdom of God.
I read it somewhere:
Jonah got up and went to Nineveh, according to the Lord’s word.
The people of Nineveh believed in God.
“Now is the time! Here comes God’s kingdom!
Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!”
I am going to end this message today with a phrase from Henri Nowen, “Do not despair, thinking that you cannot change yourself after so many years. Simply enter into the presence of Jesus as you are and ask him to give you a fearless heart where he can be with you. You cannot make yourself different. Jesus came to give you a new heart, a new spirit, a new mind, and a new body. Let him transform you by his love and so enable you to receive his affection in your whole being.”
Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting of the Corporation will be on February 16th following worship.
Valentine’s Day Celebration at the Church
During worship on Sunday February 9th we will have a special prayer time to celebrate and commemorate our loved ones. Following worship we will have a valentine’s celebration for all with treats and coffee in our fellowship hall.
Homeless Program
We will be hosting and feeding the homeless program from February 17th to February 24th.
Is love Instinctual, or does it need to be learned?
If your definition of love includes the physical attraction that two adults can have for each other then at least that part of love can be instinctual, but I’m not sure how many more of the characteristics that we have listed are.
Most of the ones that you mentioned are learned, and there are many ways that can happen…
Good parents raising and teaching their child or children, both in word and by example.
Good schools, including Sunday School.
Society. (not all societies, some teach hate.)
Self Observation and introspection as children become adults, in other words, life experience
and…if you are a Christian, a belief that God has endowed us with the ability and desire to love and be loved on purpose. Christians believe that if we actively work at it, we can spread Gods love to our fellow humans through our own loving words, actions, and deeds, and receive the same love from God back from others. This is one of the reasons that I choose to remain an active Christian. Remember, John 3:16 doesn’t say: “for God so loved the world and thought it was so perfect that he sent his son to enjoy it.” Nope, it says: “for God so loved the world that he sent his only son, that through him the world might be saved”
Sounds easy right, bing, bang, boom, Jesus came and the world was saved, only it wasn’t saved. Maybe it was saved a little, for the thousands that Jesus taught and healed, but was it entirely saved? No. Has it been entirely saved in the subsequent 2000 years by followers of Jesus? NO. Has the world even been improved? I would say yes. In two ways.
How Tom, how?
A large scale example, for me, is the founding of The United States of America, which in my opinion is the greatest, free-est, most prosperous, most tolerant country the world has ever known. A country that has done so much to help and improve the lives of it’s own citizens and the citizens of many other countries. This country, with a Constitution and system of government that is unique in human history was founded by practicing Christians and none practicing protestants who never the less held Christian beliefs and morals.
Do you know that the US is by far the worlds leader in sending aid to other countries. Do you know that we have one of the best social support systems, one of the highest standards of living? Oh I know, it’s not fashionable to say that these days, when bashing and finding fault with the US is running rampant but I don’t care, that’s my point of view and until recently, the way most US citizens felt.
That’s a big, readily identifiable way that the world has been improved, but equally important, are the many, many ordinary people, without a face or a name, people like you and me, who go through life doing their best to love, support, and just make life a little better for the few people around them. Maybe just one person. Have you ever seen a thousand or more ants moving a slice of bread. I have. The power of many!
But, and this is a big but, there are so many people who have good intentions but… they don’t express their love and care to another person.
Nobody ever showed us how. We’re too tired. We’re too old. We’re too busy.
We helped somebody once and instead of being appreciated, it turned into a “no good deed goes unpunished “ situation.
Maybe we lost someone that we dearly loved and we just can’t entertain the possibility of going through that kind of emotional trauma again.
Or maybe we loved somebody once and they didn’t love us back, or worse, we got burned when they betrayed us. (Tell about np)
That is one reason, but there are any number of reasons why we don’t want to take a chance on love anymore.
Love is not easy. Real love, enduring love, selfless love, love where you put the other person above yourself or at least on equal terms comes with responsibility, takes time, often requires a lot of hard work, and can come with pain when it ends against our desires. But real love also comes with immense joy, a sense of fulfillment, purposefulness, and knowing that we are living a full life and doing what we can to spread the love of God, bit by bit, one day at a time.
That’s it, it’s your decision, and my decision, a decision on a big scale that may only come a few times in a life, but probably many, many, more times on a smaller scale. Maybe next week, maybe tomorrow,, maybe even today, right now.
Love, you know what it is when you spread it, and you know what it is when you receive it.
“Faith, hope, and love, and of these three, the greatest of these is love.”
by Elder Tom Clemmens
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We are a multicultural congregation worshiping together where Jesus Christ is Lord; where men, women and children share in leadership.
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34 South Highland ave
Ossining, NY 10562
(914) 941-0540