This coming Sunday July 19, 2020 we will have have our Worship Service live in our parking lot at 10:00 am and also via Zoom at 11:00 am. Each one of you can connect via computer or phone. If you do not have an account please do not hesitate to open one since is free! Above you can access the bulletin.  We will be live on Facebook. Please share this information with your family and friends!

Worship at the Church
Please click COVID 19 guidelines to help keep all of us safe.

Join Zoom Meeting by COMPUTER
Meeting ID: 870 270 865

Meeting ID: 870 270 865

One tap mobile
+16465588656, 698133731# US (New York)
Find your local number:

Please be reminded to mute yourself and just unmute when there’s a person turns to speak. We will be ordaining and installing church officers and we need to be grateful to God that we are able to connect through technology. I am so grateful to all of you. We need to be reminded we are the church together.

Please do not hesitate if you have any questions. May the Peace of God be with you now and always.